Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Yummy Sauteed Zuchinni!

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to share with you a little food tidbit! I had some zuchinni leftover from a zuchinni pasta I tried last week and it was needing to be eaten stat! So I decided to stir fry it to accompany my salad for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow. So here's what I did: I heated coconut oil and garlic, sea salt, and pepper in a skillet. Then added some onion for a little additional flavor. Then added the zuchinni and sauteed it for a good 5-10 min or so. I wanted to make sure the flavor soaked in (I don't mind the soggy texture). And that's it! I ended up with a juicy/brothy liquid afterwards which would make this dish excellent served over rice! Note: Do a taste test. If you want more flavor, add more seasoning. If it's too strong, add more zuchinni. So don't just dump everything in there all at once. Use your judgement and alter according to taste. Just make sure to heat up the seasoning in the oil for a couple minutes! I recommend an organic oil with a high flash point (which is why I choose coconut), unrefined is always best because it means it has not undergone any heavy processing. Here is an excellent coconut oil that I highly recommend because of the manufacturing process that was used to produce it.  (For more about best practice oil manufacturing tips, please read my post on 8 benefits of sesame oil.)

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